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Are you an ANobAG in Switzerland, meaning an employee without a contributory employer? We are happy to relieve you of the complex processes that fall under your responsibility.

How we support you as an ANobAG:


Anyone who wants to work as an ANobAG in Switzerland must register with the compensation office of their canton of residence. We are happy to take over the complicated registration process for you, along with any official procedures and correspondence.

Social security contributions

ANobAGs are obligated to manage the payment of social security contributions on their own responsibility. This includes contributions to old-age and survivor's insurance (OASI), disability insurance, and income replacement regulations. If the employer is based in the EU/EFTA area or the employee is an EU/EFTA citizen, affiliation with the 2nd pillar, also known as occupational pension, is required. In addition to social security contributions, accident insurance must also be concluded in every case, and daily sickness benefits insurance is optional. We support you in keeping track, paying the correct contributions on time, and ensuring that you are optimally prepared for your retirement.


We are also happy to take care of your tax return. We ensure that all relevant income and deductions are correctly recorded, minimize your tax burden where possible, and ensure that all documents are submitted to the relevant authorities on time.

Supplementary insurances

Thanks to our experts from Simplecare.ch AG, we also take care of all insurance matters. We are happy to analyze your existing insurance solutions, explain your obligations and options, and show you alternatives to optimally cover your individual needs.

Further services that we offer regarding ANobAG:

  • Support for foreign companies that want to employ staff in Switzerland according to the ANobAG system
  • General advice and support for newcomers in Switzerland
Oliver Diggelmann

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